Brewing Yerba Mate the top 5 methods

Hello Fellow Mate Fan's!!!
We felt it was time to revisit this subject. For those of you that are new to yerba mate and even those that have been drinking it for years, perhaps we could all use a refresher:)
Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. The simple gourd and bombilla method; it certainly has it's appeal to those of you who prefer the traditional authentic method of making and consuming yerba mate. HOWEVER in todays world , well lets be honest ,this may not meet everyone needs , it's not convenient nor does everyone want that first jolt first thing in the morning, and of course there is the clean up.
Sooooo, lets get to our tried and true methods of brewing yerba mate.
1- basic tea pot and filter. Works perfectly fine and allows for preferred strength ( we call it north american style of consuming yerba mate). I prefer the "less is more" methodology. What does that mean you ask? Well you don't need yerba mate to be STRONG to be effective and therefore , tasty.
2- french press. One of my preferred methods , again easy to make , easy to clean up and easy to control the strength , can be used to make hot beverage , and then simply pour over ice for an iced beverage. I've used this method today and it NEVER fails. ANY french press will do, check our accessories page.
3- automatic coffee pot. Use this method occasionally usually when I'm traveling and there is an automatic pot in the room , very easy to bring loose yerba ( in my opinion the only way to drink it ). Most households have an automatic pot, and it brews at the optimum temp for yerba mate, at around 160-180 degrees.
4- portable tea bags, or in-cup filter. If you are on the go all these items work extremely well. They make drinking yerba mate a pleasure and it's easy clean up. The cup filter simply dumps out , and the tea bags can be used in your compost or simply throw away.
5- home espresso machines. Pulling shots works very well too. Just make sure you leave some room in the porta filter for the tea to expand otherwise you will burn the yerba. Yerba mate like most tea's likes water, unlike coffee which requires a VERY specific time for extraction to taste at its peak. So ensure you leave some room and DO NOT tamp the product , pull your shot , either add hot water for an americano-like beverage, or make a mate latte with a steamed beverage of your choice and perhaps add some flavored syrup. Makes for the best winter apres-ski beverage you'll ever have.......
So there you have it , our top 5 ways to brew yerba mate.....Yerba mate is such a flexible product, you could throw a handful in a bucket with ice & water and it will infuse , we know it works because we've tried it!! You could add some oranges and lemons to the mix, and simply pour through a filter , the beverage would be perfect and surprisingly refreshing.
From all of us at Aviva Yerba Mate and until next time, drink and be well:)