We invite you to browse our categories of products. When you combine our free shipping special* with our premium grade yerba mate you won't find a better value on the 'net! We utilize a convenient shopping cart system where you can add items as you shop our store. By clicking on the "view cart" buttons you can see what's in your cart and check-out at any time. You will then be taken to a secure page to complete the transaction.
We want your online shopping experience to be as pleasant and painless as possible. Part of being comfortable with shopping online is knowing that your personal and financial information will be kept secure and held in a confidential manner. As a result, all direct credit card transactions across Aviva websites are protected by Secure Sockets Layer 256-bit encryption provided by DigiCert. Third-Party payment processors such as Amazon, PayPal, and Google, utilize their own trusted security procedures.
We Accept:

Most orders are shipped USPS Priority Mail (1-3 days). We also utilize UPS for certain destinations. Depending on volume, orders received before 1pm ET are typically shipped same day! Refund/Returns Policy: 30 day money back. Return shipping is the customer's responsibility. A restocking fee of 25% may be applicable.
Standard shipping charges are calculated at checkout as follows:
***Aviva welcomes International orders! However, our free ship specials only apply to the USA. Postage for all Canadian destinations is $49.99 up to 5lbs, $69.99 over 5lbs to 10lbs, and $89.99 over 10lbs to 15lbs; Postage to other international locales is $69.99 up to 5lbs (includes insurance), $89.99 over 5lbs to 10lbs, and $99.99 over 10lbs to 15lbs. ALL international orders (Canadian orders included) over 15lbs are subject to additional charges. Customers will be contacted via email if additional charges apply.***

Most orders are shipped USPS Priority Mail (1-3 days). We also utilize UPS for certain destinations. Depending on volume, orders received before 1pm ET are typically shipped same day! Refund/Returns Policy: 30 day money back. Return shipping is the customer's responsibility. A restocking fee of 25% may be applicable.
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$1.00 - 9.99
$10.00 - 34.99 $35.00 - 49.99 $50.00 - 74.99 $75.00 -199.00 |
$12.95 $14.95 $16.95 FREE! |