
Shaman Matelatte (Lavender)

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Shaman Matelatte (Lavender)

Made with 100% traditional yerba mate, and Organic Lavender. This variety of lavender is called "lavandin", a cross between English lavender (L. angustifolia) and spike lavender (L. latifolia) cultivated in Spain and France. Designed to make a Shaman Matelatte.

Brewing requirements: Home espresso machine, French Press, Pour over or single cup filters, along with our frothing wands offered in our accessories (simply brew stronger). Yerba mate is a very flexible product and our matelatte's can be made with any number of devices we currently offer. You will end up with a deliciously satisfying beverage, and wonder why you didn't try this sooner.

Shaman Matelatte: Espresso Machine: Using a electric espresso machine. You want to run on manual and wet the product by pressing your brew button for three seconds. Wait 10 seconds to pre-infuse the shot and then brew two ounces through the prota-filter. If you are using a stovetop espresso machine (Our Owners Favorite) brew just as you would if you were using espresso coffee.

French Press: Add 4 TBSP of Shaman Matelatte into your French Press, add hot water into your press and allow to steep for three to 4 minutes. Add one ounce concentrated Shaman matelatte to an 8 ounce cup. Add your choice of steamed beverage, finish with your favorite syrup or syrup combination. Serve and enjoy.

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1 Review

Leigh 1-17-2017

Lovely Smooth Lavender

This tea has an amazing soothing and supportive qualities to it! And the lavender flavor is lovely!

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